Commitment to the economic emergence and sustainable development of Vietnam

Commitment to the economic emergence and sustainable development of Vietnam

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Our Sustainability Approach

Vietnam’s economic and social fabric is changing rapidly with significant growth and development across every aspect of the society. Excelsior’s commitment is to positively impact this evolution by helping portfolio companies become responsible contributors to a transition that embraces ESG principles and sustainability goals. 

We integrate sustainability and ESG policy at every stage of our investment and monitoring process, and we encourage our entrepreneur partners to champion these values and objectives at each investee company.

Our ESG Policy

We believe that the key to managing E&S risk is through the establishment of partnerships with portfolio companies, assisting them in the transition to sustainable and low-carbon practices, and the facilitation of social growth through improved labor conditions and diversity.


  • Pollution control, elimination of waste, and recycling
  • Efficient use of natural resources and energy
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions


  • Protection of human rights and elimination of forced labour
  • Workforce wellbeing, employee health and safety, and employee engagement
  • Diversity and inclusion


  • Business Ethics
  • Risk management
  • Compliance
  • Integrity and transparency

ESG Management System

ESG is a critical part of our investment process, helping us to proactively manage ESG risks and opportunities and accelerate ESG best practices within our portfolio.

Screening & Sourcing

  • Confirm compliance with the Excelsior’s policy and exclusion list.
  • Identify key ESG issues early
  • Initial ESG risk categorized

Investment Decision

  • Assess the ESG risks and opportunities
  • Enable the Investment committee to make an informed investment decision that takes ESG factors into account
  • ESG Action Plan is developed and aligned with company's managment
  • Value creation, education and engagement

Ownership & Monitoring

  • Guide/assist the company to ensure its ongoing compliance with applicable standards, implementation of the ESG Action Plan, and improvement of ESG performance
  • Stay informed and respond to new developments and/or risks
  • Value creation, education and engagement

Ownership & Monitoring

  • Engage with buyers on ESG and prepare reference materials
  • Ensure the company’s ESG management system is self-sustaining

Our Portfolio Companies: Addressing United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Our investing strategies and specific sector areas of focus seek to thematically invest in businesses producing goods or services that help address significant environmental and societal challenges such as those identified by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


Healthcare & wellness

